Experiencing Mapait and Minalungao

‘Nature is the art of God.’ Mount Mapait was an easy climb, but it was not for that reason that I decided to pursue this mountain. If it’s about its name, which literally means ‘bitter’, or if it’s about the scenic Aulo Dam and Lake located at its foot, I am not sure. I just remember seeing pictures of this mountain somewhere and then I suddenly decided I want to go there. It was easy to plan and arrange the trip. After all, Palayan City was just an hour or two away from the province of Tarlac. After getting in touch with the barangay captain of Mapaet (Yes, that’s with an ‘e’) it was easy from then onwards. We were only eleven people that made it to the trip. Palayan City was not far from Tarlac. We arrived there early. We waited at the barangay hall while I kept in touch with the barangay captain. Our guide and a barangay official arrived later. We register and paid the necessary fees. Then, we rode our van which takes us to Aulo Dam which serves as the jump...